29 October 2007

What I did on my holidays.

Not much, really, which was the aim of the exercise!
I got a bit of wallpaper off, but there's still some wall area left that needs the glue washed off it. I'll leave that to Peter though, because just peeling the paper off has left me with very clicky shoulder joints.
I got some of the skirting boards sanded back. Still more to do, but it's not too hard.
I got some mending done that had been sitting around for over a month.
I played around with Ravelry a lot. Still haven't got it quite as I want it yet.
And I got a lot of sleep! I'm a pretty poor sleeper, so it's good to catch up.

It's been a very relaxing 2 and a bit weeks. I'm almost looking forward to going back to work.


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